Guildford Chambers specialist property barristers can assist with advice, claims drafting and representation in cases involving misrepresentation, rescission, specific performance and other remedies.

The exercise by the court of its power to order certain remedies often involves application of equitable principles, turning on the facts of the case. In terms of tactics, it is helpful to have advice as to the likely attitude of the court to the exercise of its discretion. Alternatively, advice can be given on the evidence that is required, or should be sought, in a particular case.

Guildford Chambers property barristers can:

  • Assist with urgent applications and including injunctions
  • Advise on prospects of a claim, in conference or in writing
  • Draft pleadings, statements of claim, defences, applications, witness statements
  • Assist in mediations, negotiations and settlements
  • Appear in hearings and trials in claims for misrepresentation, rescission or specific performance

Guildford Chambers offers specialist property barristers at all levels of seniority with expertise in real property cases. Our property barristers, located in Guildford and London, regularly appear in courts and tribunals in Surrey, Berkshire and the Home Counties.

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“Rowan is phenomenal – putting tremendous effort into the detailed preparation of the case. She is resilient, challenging, articulate, persuasive, eloquent, known to ask clients the right questions and grappling with every piece of information provided.”
Legal 500, 2023

About Rowan Morton
Guildford Chambers


Rowan Morton
Rowan Morton

2004 Lincoln’s Inn

View biography

Luke Trim
Luke Trim

2014 Inner Temple

View biography

Bilawal Khan
Bilawal Khan

2017 Lincoln’s Inn

View biography

Humayoun Ali
Humayoun Ali

2022 Lincoln’s Inn

View biography


Contact us today

Our Barristers’ caseloads often result in them working in London, and more widely across the UK, but we are delighted that our knowledge and understanding of local issues also makes us the natural first choice for businesses and individuals in Guildford, Surrey and the surrounding areas who are looking for legal advice and assistance.
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We are delighted that our knowledge and understanding of local issues makes us the natural first choice for businesses and individuals in Guildford, Surrey and the surrounding areas.
Reach Us
Guildford Chambers Stoke House,
Leapale Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4LY

Barristers regulated by the Bar Standards Board.

iso 9001
Legal 500 leading set 2025

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