Due to continuing growth and client demand, Guildford Chambers are seeking barristers to share in our development and success. We have a strong track record of advancing the practices of those who join us, providing ongoing support on a day to day basis as well as long-term career growth.


Application details

We are always interested in receiving applications from specialist practitioners at all stages of call who have an interest in joining Chambers. All applications are dealt with in the strictest confidence.

If you would like to have an initial discussion about becoming part of our successful team, please contact our Head of Chambers, George Coates in person, either by phone or letter addressed to our Guildford office.

Probationary tenancies

Guildford Chambers is an established set of Chambers based in Guildford, with offices also in Reading and London. Chambers is an established regional set with a strong client base, it prides itself upon its dedicated tenants, excellent administration team and friendly atmosphere.

We are offering one family-based probationary tenancy, and one civil/property-based probationary tenancy. Applicants should have experience in these areas. They can expect to be busy with good earning opportunities.

Successful applicants will be supported by a mentor and an experienced and highly regarded clerking team, and will play a full part in Chambers’ life.

An award of £4,500 will be payable in the first 3 months to assist applicants while trying to build a practice. Any offer will be with a view to full tenancy.

A letter of application and curriculum vitae should be addressed to: Mr George Coates at or by post to: Guildford Chambers, Stoke House, Leapale Lane, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4LY. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence. Guildford Chambers applies the guidance set out in the Equality Code for the Bar.

Pupillage vacancy information

Guildford Chambers accepts applications for pupillage through the Pupillage Gateway and in line with that timetable.


Pupillage is for twelve months, subject to a continuous review of progress. It is split into two parts of six months duration each, known commonly as a ‘first six’ and ‘second six’. Though Guildford Chambers actively seeks to recruit tenants from its pupils, tenancy is not guaranteed. We do however look for pupils who show commitment to a future in Chambers should they be successful.

First Six

Each pupil is allocated to a specific pupil supervisor and will be rotated to other members of chambers to ensure exposure to the various areas of law covered by Guildford Chambers. Towards the end of the first six, chambers will ensure that the pupil has spent some time with junior members of chambers to prepare them for the type of work they will typically undertake during their second-six.

Second Six

Chambers anticipates that second six pupils will be kept busy to gain the relevant experience required to complete pupillage successfully. Pupils typically appear in the lower courts and receive instructions to prepare written work. There may be times when pupils are expected to travel to courts that are some distance away. Chambers encourages pupils to discuss cases or issues with their supervisor or others with the relevant experience where necessary.

Applications for pupillage

Applications for pupillage will be advertised on the Pupillage Gate way with a view to commencing pupillage in the New Year or the autumn. We consider applications for 3rd six throughout the year. Any pupillage offered complies with the Bar Council’s awards policy.


Any questions about pupillage at Guildford Chambers should be directed by email to


Application details
We offer Mini-Pupillages for a period of two days, during which you will be given the opportunity to shadow our Barristers at Court and observe their work in Chambers. Mini-Pupillages are usually in the areas of family and general civil law depending on the work available at the time the Mini-Pupillage is undertaken. Applicants must have completed two years of their undergraduate law degree or started the Graduate Diploma in Law.

We receive many requests for Mini-Pupillage and not all applications will be successful. If you have a preferred date, please apply in good time as we cannot guarantee placements at short notice. Applications are considered every 4-6 weeks, after which you will be contacted to confirm the outcome of your application. Please note that as busy practitioners the 4-6 week deadline may not at times be met. Please do not contact us within 8 weeks of submission to chase the progress of your application. We will respond in due course.

Applications for Mini-Pupillage should be sent to with “Mini-Pupillage” clearly marked in the subject heading. Applications should include a CV and a covering letter addressed to Andrew Austin.

Guildford Chambers will not discriminate against any applicant who cannot comply with our application process. If you are unable to submit a handwritten letter, please contact the clerks by email ( or by telephone (01483 539131), to discuss alternative means of submitting your application.


Contact us today

Our Barristers’ caseloads often result in them working in London, and more widely across the UK, but we are delighted that our knowledge and understanding of local issues also makes us the natural first choice for businesses and individuals in Guildford, Surrey and the surrounding areas who are looking for legal advice and assistance.
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We are delighted that our knowledge and understanding of local issues makes us the natural first choice for businesses and individuals in Guildford, Surrey and the surrounding areas.
Reach Us
Guildford Chambers Stoke House,
Leapale Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4LY

Barristers regulated by the Bar Standards Board.

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