Taking good care of every case

Our Barristers approach each case as a unique combination of the Client’s needs, the history and circumstances of the matter in question, and the specific points of law that apply.

We follow a code of practice and established procedures in every case, to ensure efficiency, quality and consideration in the way we deal our Clients and professional colleagues at all times.

Our Procedure:

  • Briefs or instructions are dealt with by our Clerks swiftly and efficiently, and receipt is confirmed within 24 hours
  • Any papers received are acknowledged in writing
  • On receipt of papers, the Chambers Barrister immediately assesses the requirements to determine any conflicts of interest, time restrictions and funding arrangements.
  • Instructing Solicitors are informed of any preparatory steps required, and are kept up to date with progress at each stage.
  • All communications from professional clients are recorded and delivered to the appropriate Barrister
  • Messages are checked regularly by Counsel and where practicable we reply by the end of that business day

Please let us know how we are doing…

We use Client Questionnaires to identify and react to the real time needs, concerns and interests of our Clients. We also welcome your comments on our Feedback Form.

You can view our complaints procedure here.

The Standard Contractual Terms for the Supply of Legal Services by Barristers to Authorised Persons 2012

A copy of these terms can be downloaded here. You should be aware that under these terms your firm is contractually bound to pay Counsel’s fees. If you would like to instruct Counsel on a different basis please call us to discuss the matter and we will then confirm any alternative basis in writing before Counsel starts work on the case.

Brief fees deemed policy

For cases with a time estimate of 1 day or less

  • the full fee at 4pm 3 working days before the hearing (e.g. for a Thursday case the fee is incurred at 4pm on Monday)

For cases with a time estimate of over 1 day

  • 50% at 4pm on the 7th calendar day before the hearing
  • the full fee at 4pm 3 working days before the hearing

For cases with a time estimate of 5 days or more

  • 50% at 4pm on the 14th calendar day before the hearing
  • the full fee at 4pm on the 7th calendar day before the hearing

We are happy to discuss a waiver or reduction of these timescales in particular cases, however in some larger cases we may require them to be extended.

Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination

Guildford Chambers is committed to providing services which embrace diversity and that promote equality of opportunity. Our policy, which is prepared in accordance with the Equality and Diversity Rules of the Code of Conduct and the Guidance, covers all aspects of Chambers  including barristers, pupils, staff and relationships with clients.

To view our Equal Opportunities And Non-Discrimination Policy please click Equal Opportunities And Non-Discrimination Policy

Information Management Security

We are committed to protecting the personal data that you provide us and recognise the importance of being clear how we intend to use it. To view our policy please click Information Management Security


Barristers’ fees are usually calculated according to their level of experience, the complexity of the case and the length of time involved in dealing with it. Below is a guide on hourly rates:

Under 5 years experience: £75 – £150 per hour + VAT

5-10 years experience: £125 – £275 per hour + VAT

10-15 years experience: £150 – £300 per hour + VAT

Over 15 years experience: £200 – £400 per hour + VAT


Contact us today

Our Barristers’ caseloads often result in them working in London, and more widely across the UK, but we are delighted that our knowledge and understanding of local issues also makes us the natural first choice for businesses and individuals in Guildford, Surrey and the surrounding areas who are looking for legal advice and assistance.
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We are delighted that our knowledge and understanding of local issues makes us the natural first choice for businesses and individuals in Guildford, Surrey and the surrounding areas.
Reach Us
Guildford Chambers Stoke House,
Leapale Lane, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4LY

Barristers regulated by the Bar Standards Board.

iso 9001
Legal 500 leading set 2025

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