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What landlords and tenants need to know about the new Debt Respite Scheme : webinar 5th May 2021

6 May 2021

By Laura Smallwood

This webinar reviewed The Debt Respite Scheme (Breathing Space Moratorium & Mental Health Crisis Moratorium) (England & Wales) Regulations 2020 which came into force on 4th May 2021. These regulations provide debtors with short term protection from action by creditors and will further affect the dynamics of the  landlord-tenant relationship, which has been so dramatically impacted by restrictions introduced due to the pandemic.

Topics covered included:

  • A brief review of existing restrictions on possession proceedings and other remedies;
  • When and how a debt respite moratorium may be sought;
  • The effect of a moratorium;
  • How to challenge a moratorium;
  • Implications for landlords and tenants.

If you would like to be sent the slides or have any questions about this webinar please email



If you require advice, or representation, in a claim relating to land or property you can instruct Laura Smallwood by contacting her clerks on 01483 539131 or emailing them at



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